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Laser-grade Optical Coating
Anti-reflective (AR) coatings
Coating facility produces different types of AR coatings: single wavelength, dual-band W-shaped, 3-band and broadband coatings.
• AR coating @ 900-1000 nm for fused silica
• AR coating@ 1064 nm for LN crystal
• AR coating in mid-IR range for silicone
Dielectric mirrors
Mirrors can be designed with any required level of reflection from 99.99% to 0.5%. Different type of glass, silicon, can be used as a substrate.
• NIR mirror on silicon wafer
• Mirror with a reflectivity of 5%
• Dual band mirror
Coatings for laser components
We have delivered a lot of laser-grade coatings to NTHU, NCU, NYCU, KTH (Sweden), and companies. The use of them covers different lasers, including Nd:YAG laser, Ti:Sa laser, He-Ne laser, diode laser, Yb laser, fiber laser, etc. It can be windows, lenses, mirrors, output couplers and other components.
• HR @ 1342 nm, HT @ 1064 & 808 nm
• Reflectance 5% @ 1342nm, HT @ 1064 nm
Interference filters
We are experienced in producing long-wave, short-wave, notch and other filters. Wavelength parameters, edge steepness, width and other parameters can be designed upon request.
Notch filter at 808 nm
Long-wave pass filter at 750 nm
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